OpenEBench Tools Monitoring API

/toolAccept: text/uri-listList OpenEBench tools identifiers.
/toolAccept: application/jsonList OpenEBench collection of tools.
/toolAccept: application/ld+jsonList OpenEBench collection of tools as an OWL 2 ontology.
/tool/{id}Accept: application/json Get OpenEBench tool by its 'common' identifier. Returns an abstract tool object or the first matched if id is prefixed or has a version.
/tool/{id}/{type}Accept: application/json Get OpenEBench tool by its identifier and type (ex: '/tool/biotools:pmut:2017/web').
/tool/{id}/{type}/{host}{path}Accept: application/json Get either entire OpenEBench tool document or its subdocument. The optional 'path' is a JSON path for the subdocument to be returned.
/tool/{id}/{type}Accept: application/ld+json Get OpenEBench JSON-LD OWL 2 tool description.
/tool/{id} Insert OpenEBench tool into the database.
/tool Update OpenEBench tools in the database. Endpoint accepts an array of tools. The identifiers are taken from the '@id' property of each tool. MongoDB 'upsert' is used for merging.
/tool Update OpenEBench tools in the database merging them vith submitted documents. Endpoint accepts an array of tools. The identifiers are taken from the '@id' property of each tool.
/tool/{id} Update OpenEBench tool by merging its properties vith submitted document.
/tool/{id}/{type}/{host}{path} Update either entire OpenEBench json tool document (no 'path' set) or subdocument defined by json path.
/metricsAccept: application/jsonList OpenEBench tools' metrics.
/metrics/{id}Accept: application/jsonGet OpenEBench tool's metrics.
/metrics/{id}{path}Accept: application/jsonGet specific OpenEBench tool's metrics defined by json path.
/metrics/{id} Insert OpenEBench tool's metrics into the database.
/metrics Update OpenEBench tools' metrics in the database. Endpoint accepts an array of metrics. The identifiers are taken from the '@id' property of each metrics. MongoDB 'upsert' is used for merging.
/metrics Update OpenEBench tools' metrics in the database merging them vith submitted documents. Endpoint accepts an array of metrics. The identifiers are taken from the '@id' property of each metrics.
/metrics/{id} Update OpenEBench metrics by merging its properties vith submitted document.
/metrics/{id}/{type}/{host}{path} Update either entire OpenEBench json metrics document (no 'path' set) or subdocument defined by json path.
/alambiqueAccept: application/jsonList OpenEBench alambique collection.
/alambique/{id}Accept: application/json Get first matched OpenEBench alambique object.
/alambique/{id} Insert OpenEBench alambique object into the database.
/alambique Update OpenEBench alambique objects in the database. Endpoint accepts an array of objects. The identifiers are taken from the '@id' property of each object. MongoDB 'upsert' is used for merging.
/alambique Update OpenEBench alambique objects in the database merging them vith submitted documents. Endpoint accepts an array of objects. The identifiers are taken from the '@id' property of each object.
/alambique/{id} Update OpenEBench alambique object by merging its properties vith submitted document.
/tool/log/{id}/{type}/{host}{path}Accept: application/json Get historical changes of tool's property defined by the JSON path
/metrics/log/{id}/{type}/{host}{path}Accept: application/json Get historical changes of metrics's property defined by the JSON path
/tool/metaAccept: application/json List all OpenEBench tools' properties paths
/tool/meta/{id}Accept: application/json Get OpenEBench tool's properties paths
/rest/edam/searchAccept: application/json Search for OpenEBench tools. Returns a sorted by the identifier list of matched tools.
/rest/edam/aggregateAccept: application/json Search for OpenEBench tools. Unlike the 'search' endpoint returns aggregated by tool's identifier result.
/rest/edam/toolAccept: application/json Get OpenEBench tools EDAM semantics.
/rest/edam/tool/{id}Accept: application/json Get EDAM semantics for the OpenEBanch tool
/rest/edam/tool/search?{text}Accept: application/json Search for OpenEBench tools by free text found in EDAM semantic terms.
/rest/edam/description?{term}Accept: application/json Get EDAM term description.
/rest/tools/statisticsAccept: application/json Get basic statistics about the number of tools properties in the database.
/rest/metrics/statisticsAccept: application/json Get basic statistics about the number of metrics properties in the database.
/rest/metrics/availability/{id}Accept: application/json Get tool's homepage availability metrics.