FAIRness Trends Analysis

Explore trends in key aspects to the FAIRness of research software.


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Licensing is one of the most crucial features of a piece of software, determining both its Accessibility and Reusability.


Following a specific set of rules for naming software releases allows its inequivocal identification, which increases its Findability, Reusability and guarantees the Reproducibility of research results.

Instances using semantics versionings

Repositories and Version Control

Making software available through any of the main software repositories makes it more Findable and Accessible.

Version control offers a standardized record of source code changes, making it easier to be Reused.

Number of instances in four widely used platforms for software distribution and development


Publications of software in the form of research papers generally offer a careful description of the software, often including domain of application and usage, contributing to its Findability.
A publication can serve as the reference to credit authors of a software and is the most common way to cite software in research publications.

Percentage (top) and impact factor (bottom) of publications devoted to software in the top publishers of software in the Life Sciences.